Are you deciding on which tires to buy? All-Season, all-weather or winter? So what is the difference between the these tires? Their names sound as though they could be one and the same thing. They aren’t. Let’s take a closer look.

All-Season Tires:

All-season tires are great for those locations that experience mild winters without persistent icy conditions. If your area experiences light, occasional snow and wet roads, then all-season tires are best for you. These tires also last a bit longer (with comparable driving) than all-weather tires during summertime use. 

All-Weather Tires

All-Weather tires were made specifically to reduce the need of having to switch to snow tires for the winter months. All-season tires lack winter/snow testing which is reflected by the mountain/snowflake logo found on all-weather tires. All-weather tires are very efficient on moderately snowy and slush-layered roads. These tires are a bit more noisy than all-season tires due to the more aggressive tread. These tires are great for over-all road handling.

Winter Tires

In some regions, there is just no avoiding the ‘ol tire swap during the winter. If your region typically has consistent snow and ice during the winter months and the temperatures remain below zero F for days or weeks at a time, winter tires are your best choice. Under such conditions, all-weather tires would not make the grade with regard to road handling and stopping capabilities.

If you have any further questions about what tires may be best for your regional weather driving needs, contact the tire professionals at Southside Auto Repair. We are happy to help you choose the right tires for your driving style and keep you safely on the road.

Happy Travels!

Southside Auto Repair

(719) 561 1392