Your car’s muffler not only provides you with a quiet ride, but it also keeps the occupants of the vehicle healthy. The muffler and exhaust system are constructed to eject toxic fumes from your car. A faulty muffler may cause health problems to the passengers in your vehicle. The importance of a healthy muffler is very important to your health.

Do I need a New Muffler?

Here are a few signs that you might need to get your muffler checked by an expert.

1) One of the best ways to check your muffler is to listen to it. Is it a little louder than ususal? This could mean that the casing has either small cracks or holes. It could also mean that there is some losening in the system.

2) Are you having an overheating problem? A faulty muffler may be the cause.

3) Take a look. Rust and holes are a sure sign that your muffler needs to be replaced. Also check for any water that may be leaking from the muffler. Some condensation is of no concern but if it is actually leaking — this could mean a new muffler is in the cards.

Have Your Muffler Checked

If you have noticed any of the above problems, you will want o get your vehicle checked out as soon as possible. Exhaust fumes backing up into your vehicle is definitley a problem that requires timely attention. The importance of a healthy muffler is often underrated. The auto care specialists at Southside Auto Repair can help keep both both you and your car healthy.

Safe Travels!

Southside Auto Repair
